Pakistan On Religious Freedom Blacklist

Pakistan cannot seem to catch a break, there is something or other that keeps popping out that impacts the nation's image. This time Trump Administration placed Islamabad in a religious freedom blacklist.

The annual report stated “countries of particular concern” for having engaged in or tolerated “systematic, ongoing, egregious violations of religious freedom”.

It’s a massive reputational blow for Islamabad as it joins an unsavoury club which includes North Korea and Somalia. Pakistan was designated in 2018 after years of US hesitation over concerns the treatment of minorities. 
Naturally, Pakistan officials were not pleased with the decision and rejected US decision, calling the move ‘’unilateral and politically motivated. 

Here's what the Pakistan statement read ‘’Besides the clear biases reflected from these designations, there are serious questions on the credentials and impartiality of the self-proclaimed jury involved in this unwarranted exercise’’. 

Pakistan dragged its arch-rival India into the discussion, pointing out that “the biggest violator of religious freedom,” due to its policies in Kashmir and the recent passage of controversial citizenship legislation. 

But this move does not come as a surprise, the two officials Pompeo and Sam Brownback, the US ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom — hail from the evangelical, Christian conservative wing of the Republican Party.

In that sense, both have reason to be particularly concerned about the troubles of Christians in Pakistan. For instance, Asia Bibi issue, despite the Supreme Court acquittal, the fact that she remains in Pakistan, with her life in danger, is likely of deep concern to them.

In a conference call with reporters about the move to blacklist Pakistan, Brownback said, “we continue to watch very carefully what is happening with Asia Bibi.” He also disclosed that the decision to blacklist Pakistan was due in great part to the country’s blasphemy laws. Christians are one of the main communities victimised by the misuse of these laws.

There is a widespread belief that minority communities in Pakistan are subjected to constant discrimination.

It's safe to say that Washington’s move in part as a genuine effort to hold the country more accountable for its very real and very serious religious freedom violations — and particularly those that affect Christians, a very personal matter for several key US policymakers.

- Asia And World News 4U


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