How Corona Virus Spread In China

As of 31st March 2020, it has been totalling of 802,748 cases of coronavirus from which there are 172,319 recovered cases and 39,019 deaths globally. The world is experiencing a complete up-side-down situation and it does not seem to end any soon. The Novel Coronavirus has firstly been reported in Wuhan City of Hubei province in China. However, the country has now got back its normal life. In fact, China has recently launched its 54th Beidou Satellite on March 09,2020. The sad part is that mostly European and American countries has been facing the worse situation due to coronavirus. Nearly, 164,435 coronavirus infected cases have been reported, of which 3,175 are death cases in USA. 

It is believed that the late announcement of lock down became the major reason to such vast spread. Apart from USA, Italy has been facing its dark time as it surpasses 10,000 deaths since the pandemic housed the country. 

There are several speculations doing the rounds in media about the pandemic whether the coronavirus has been called "Chinese Virus" by US President Donald Trump or being circulated as "Bio-War" declared by China. Everywhere, China is being put on the podium. 

Let's get into the whole story of Covid 19 spread in China. 

---Wuhan: The origin of Coronavirus

On December 2019 - China informed Who about strange cases that were similar to pneumonia which was first seen in Wuhan. The port city is situated in Hubei Province with 11 million population. Most of the patients of the same symptoms were the workers in the famous Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which was shut on January 01,2020. Till than,the growth in infected people had exceeded 40.

On January 05 - The negligence of Chinese government. 
Chinese officials rejected the possibilities of that the new disease was any similar with the 2002-03, SARS virus which took the lives of 770 people globally. 

January 07- Naming of the virus
Chinese experts in virology named the new virus with 2019-nCoV and confirmed that it is a new virus to coronavirus family. With that, it was also mentioned that coronavirus are common and spread through being in contact with the COVID19 infected person by inhaling the droplets out of the suspect's sneeze, cough or touching the surface where the droplets accumulated. Also, it is instructed to not to touch face, nose and eyes. 

January 11- China announced its first death due to COVID19. It was the day when Chinese officials announced the region's first death of 51-year-old man who purchased goods from the seafood market in Wuhan. 

January 13- The first case out from Thailand
Who brought out the report of a case in Thailand, which was the first case of a woman who travelled Wuhan-the centre of virus? 

January 20 - Third death in Wuhan
The authority of China reported third death in Wuhan City whereas the infected cases hiked with 200. It was also the day when other provinces saw the cases such as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. 
Then, it was confirmed that it is an infectious disease which is transmitted from human-to-human. Also, it was warned that Lunar New Year can bring the major outbreak. In addition to precautions, Asian countries started screening the airports. 

January 22 - The upsurge in deaths
The death toll in China rose to 17 whereas infected hiked with 550. This time, European countries also started checks on flights arrived from Wuhan, China.

January 23 - Chinese government announced quarantine to infected 
The day when government announced the effective quarantine. By suspending air and rail departure in Wuhan including two other cities named Xiantao and Chibi. 
The press conference of WHO
Professor Didier Houssin said "According to the international Health Regulations-A main treaty in field of health, Dr. Tidros as convinced an emergency committee about the Novel Coronavirus epedemic in China and the question was whether this event constitutes a public health emergency of international concern. The advice to the DG which is that now is not the time that it is too early to consider that this event is a public health emergency of international concern. 

January 24 - The lock down rose to 13 cities in China
The death toll in China increased and now the numbers reached to 26 while the infected numbers increased with 830. Also,the lock down rose to 13 cities which was affecting around 41 million of population. 
The famous Disneyland shut down whereas other nearby cities shut down of other entertainment places where crowd can gather. 

January 25 - The festivals and events started cancelling 
Lunar New Year of Beijing was cancelled whereas it was also the day of first death outside of Hubei province. 

Travel bans 
Another 5 cities in Hubei province banned the travelling which turned to affecting 56 million. On the other hand, Hong Kong also cancelled Lunar New Year celebrations and boycotted the connections with China. 

January 26 - The infected persons in China raised with almost 2000
The death toll rose to 56 whereas infected person reached almost 2000. On the other hand, Hong Kong shut down its Disney land and other tourist vanues. 

January 27 - The death toll in China exceeded 100
It was reported with 106 deaths, of which 100 deaths were only from Hubei Province. Whereas, infected people hiked with 4,515.

January 30 - Who declared coronavirus a global emergency
With the constant raise in death, now with 170 and 7,711 infected cases, WHO declared a global health emergency. 

January 31 - China still faced upsurge in infected persons
With the consecutive raise in coronavirus infection,now,the country has got 9,809 confirmed infected cases. 

February 01 - The death toll exceeded 200
The death toll in China hiked with 259 with 11,791 infected cases. 

February 02 - The death toll rose to 304 in China
The death toll rose to 304 8lin China with 14,380 infected cases. 

February 07 - Doctor Li Wenliang was the first whistle-blower of coronavirus disease 
Li Wenliang-A doctor in China was one of the whistle-blowers who informed about coronavirus and was sentenced to imprisonment for breaching quarantine rules. 

As of now, China reported with more than 81,000 infected cases and more than 3,300 deaths with constant slowdown in numbers.

Latest Cases WorldWide (Source: WorldOMeter):

- Asia & World News


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