
How The World Should Take The Early Release of Convict Omar Sheikh in Murdering Daniel Pearl?

The world has been facing extremism since ages and it has become of the crucial challenges for the world to tackle. One of the brutal events the history will regret to tell is abduction and murder of the Wall Street Journalist, Daniel Pearl in March, 2000. It has been almost two decades that justice for Daniel has been pending. Though, the Pakistani government had soon captured the four convicts of the abduction and murder. One of the them, also considered mastermind the murder plan, Omar Saeed Sheikh is British National who was sentenced to death in 2002. But, somehow keep on delaying by Pakistani government.  Now, the recent verdict by Pakistani Government has come out in public. It has overturned the the murder conviction of British National, Omar Saeed Sheikh and three others. The death sentence of convict was reduced to life sentence for seven years.  The time the verdict came out in public domicile, It has disturbed everyone who believes in justice including Americ

How Corona Virus Spread In China

As of 31st March 2020, it has been totalling of 802,748 cases of coronavirus from which there are 172,319 recovered cases and 39,019 deaths globally. The world is experiencing a complete up-side-down situation and it does not seem to end any soon. The Novel Coronavirus has firstly been reported in Wuhan City of Hubei province in China. However, the country has now got back its normal life. In fact, China has recently launched its 54th Beidou Satellite on March 09,2020. The sad part is that mostly European and American countries has been facing the worse situation due to coronavirus. Nearly, 164,435 coronavirus infected cases have been reported, of which 3,175 are death cases in USA.  It is believed that the late announcement of lock down became the major reason to such vast spread. Apart from USA, Italy has been facing its dark time as it surpasses 10,000 deaths since the pandemic housed the country.  There are several speculations doing the rounds in media about the pand

Pakistan On Religious Freedom Blacklist

Pakistan cannot seem to catch a break, there is something or other that keeps popping out that impacts the nation's image. This time Trump Administration placed Islamabad in a religious freedom blacklist. The annual report stated “countries of particular concern” for having engaged in or tolerated “systematic, ongoing, egregious violations of religious freedom”. It’s a massive reputational blow for Islamabad as it joins an unsavoury club which includes North Korea and Somalia. Pakistan was designated in 2018 after years of US hesitation over concerns the treatment of minorities.  Naturally, Pakistan officials were not pleased with the decision and rejected US decision, calling the move ‘’unilateral and politically motivated.  Here's what the Pakistan statement read ‘’Besides the clear biases reflected from these designations, there are serious questions on the credentials and impartiality of the self-proclaimed jury involved in this unwarranted exercise’’. 

Visiting Nepal: Powerful Reasons to Visit Nepal in 2020

Not sure where to travel next? Still confused? Then you have come to the right place. I will provide you with solid reasons to visit Nepal in 2020.  Nepal is a beautiful country, blessed with natural attractions. Whether scaling the slopes of Mt. Everest or paying homage to holy places, a trip to Nepal is one of the top destinations for travellers.  Squashed between India and China in South Asia, this landlocked country has some of the most diverse landscapes, from subtropical forest to snow-capped, it is a nature's paradise.   Apart from the scenic beauty, Nepal also boasts of incredible historical and cultural attractions like Buddha birthplace, temples and monuments that speak volumes about the rich culture and history of the place. It's known fact that Nepal draws a lot of tourists from all across the world, the scenic beauty, history, culture and the climate makes it a favourable for the travellers to visit and explore.   There is more

Hong Kong vs China: Why Are These Protests In Hong Kong?

The last couple of weeks, protests in Hong Kong have been making all the headlines, but most of us are unaware of why exactly they are taking place. It's a massive issue, and the answer isn't quite as simple as you might imagine. The protest has been going for several months. This is not all happening in a vacuum. There are a lot of important reasons behind it which stretches back to several years. Let's start with a little bit of background check.  Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region controlled by The People's Republic of China, and it enjoys limited autonomy as defined by the Basic Law.  The concept of ''one country, two systems'' allow socialism and capitalism to coexist under ''one country'', which is mainland China. The deal was agreed back in 1984, and in 1997, Hong Kong officially came under the principle of ''one country, two systems''. Beijing basically leads the chain of com

People Of Balochistan Deserve Better, Pakistan Committing Genocide

Here's a scenario for you – imagine someone comes to your house, takes everything you got, makes you feel like you do not belong in your own house and to make it worse, they become violent and in the end, they never leave. How will this make you feel? Furious and angry right? And you will do everything in your power to get back what's truly yours. Guess what this is happening in Balochistan but just that they are unable to fight back instead they are suppressed and killed like its nothing. All this is happening, but nothing is changing. Here's a glimpse of what's happening in Balochistan – just remember the words cannot truly describe the actual scenario. The bodies are dumped like roadkill by the side of the road. There are times where bodies are found piled up in a shallow mass graves in mountains. The bodies bear the marks of torture – broken bones, cut-off limbs, mutilated genitals and burn marks. In most cases, the bodies are so badly disfig